Lilypie Baby Ticker

12 dezembro, 2005

Longe de ser Gandalfino, the White...

Hoje estou longe de ser Gandalfino, the White. Did a terrible thing, fought with hubby in front of bebecas, sth I swore I'd never ever do again. This was a major fight and I said the word 'hate you', a word i thought i wasn't capable of thinking, let alone pronounce it. It has left me devastated. It is not a matter of putting the dog first or second, bebecas has to learn that the dog also has the right to be left alone. He literally spent the entire day chasing him around the house, by the end of the day the dog wanted peace and quiet. Hubby doesn´t understand that. Well, the dog barked in a very unfriendly manner to bebecas and he started crying. Right then both needed to reprimended: the dog for barking like that and the kid for not leaving the dog be. But only the dog was reprimended and hubby has the nerve to tell me that as usual the dog came first, even before bebecas. I snapped!!! He is the one who leaves him ALONE in the bathroom, in the bath tub, with water on it, to go check his stamps!!! And i am the one whose priorities need to change? He only reads to the kid if I tell him so, sometimes it is bebecas himself who cries out for attention and yes, he is in the living room with him, and i have to tell him 'He wants you to pay attention to him'. He is a good father, but sometimes he is emotionally distant. That's why I don't seem to get anything done round the house, I cannot resist him pulling my hand to go play. All I wanted was to have peace round bebecas ... that's all I wanted. Com esta de hoje, lá se foi a minha nuvem e os anjos a tocar harpa...


At 14 dezembro, 2005 00:23, Blogger nihil said...

My dearest, can i ask you something??

- "Why do we fall down?!"
answer: "To learn to pick ourselves up!"

I get the feeling you're striving for the absolute perfection, where mistakes and/or occurences are treated as end of the world's not about the mistake itself but how we approach it afterwards, do we see it as a learning experience, a stepping stone, do we build on it, do we improve, do we settle things differently, do we discuss and lay things to rest...or do we beat ourselves up because we failed, and in a most unfogiving manner...

you should consider the example that is for the child, is that how you want him to feel? that there's no hope following a mistake, that he's forever doomed?? or that we all have our moments, after all we're just human, and imperfect and striving to improve ourselves every day, shouldn't that strive be the most important thing?

i'm just extrapolating, just some food for thought, but then again what do i know i don't have children...

but i lived with somebody and said a lot of angry stuff, which i shouldn't have said, but i also learned in some of them that they weren't the end of the world and were a great lesson

love, ana


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